The thought-provoking lecture

2016 оны 10-р сарын 28 өдөр, 12 цаг 14 минутад нийтэлсэн (Сэтгэгдэл үлдээх )

The teacher of the Institute of Cinematography J. Philip Jimenez gave a wonderful speech to our students. Mr. Philip Jimenez pointed out that this institution is serious about developing the talents of its students. This is quite a serious matter because the future of Mongolia depends on the emergence of new, interesting and powerful voices which will entertain, enlighten and speak the truth. He said without these new voices, a future is simply is not possible.

Furthermore, he talked about his dreams to make Ulaanbaatar the capital of International law. He said, ”Great legal minds, legal theorists, human rights workers, environmental scientists, and respected leaders from all over the world come to Ulaanbaatar to have conferences, to exchange views, to learn Mongolian philosophy and Mongolian legal theory, to establish the world courts of tomorrow. In my dream, Mongolia saves the world.”

Additionally, he gave intriguing facts about Tengerism and the Roerich museum in Ulaanbaatar. Subsequently, he answered the questions asked by students and teachers.

Thank you Mr. Philip Jimenez for the thought- provoking lecture.

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